For customers who choose to use delivery:
Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan, Mainland China:
- Shipping fee to be paid by customers to SF express upon delivery.
- SF Express pricing:
- Final price may vary and to be decided by SF express. SF Enquiry: +852 2730 0273
- Customers will be responsible for any potential custom / tax fees, if applicable.
- SPORTSTATION is not liable for any loss or damage to goods caused by various uncontrollable circumstances, including losses or confiscations due to the courier service.
- SPORTSTATION does not bear any compensation for indirect losses or other non-material losses resulting from delays or losses during the delivery of items.
- 運費由顧客直接支付給速遞員。
- 最終運費由順豐決定,可能與價目表有相差。
- 如有任何稅項,須由顧客負責。
- 本公司對無法控制的各種情況而導致貨品遺失、損毀及由於速遞公司的原因所做成之損失或沒收不負任何責任。
- 本公司對於物品運送的延誤或遺失所造成的間接損失或其它非主體性損失不承擔任何賠償責任。
All other countries/regions:
- Shipping fee to be paid to SPORTSTATION at checkout. Total amount will include the shipping fee.
- Customers will be responsible for any potential custom / tax fees, if applicable.
- SPORTSTATION is not liable for any loss or damage to goods caused by various uncontrollable circumstances, including losses or confiscations due to the courier service.
- SPORTSTATION does not bear any compensation for indirect losses or other non-material losses resulting from delays or losses during the delivery of items.